In search of a city: a history of Lee Mount Baptist Church, Halifax 1846–1977

Miss J M Crabtree BA and Rev. M V Jackson BA


No-one sits down lightly to write the history of a Church! And when one does, it is usually to coincide with some significant period of time — a Jubilee, Centenary, Bi-Centenary. This present history commemorates no such period. It had been felt for some time that a new history of the Church was needed for, although a short one was produced in 1958, no detailed history has been written since 1922. Therefore, we thought it appropriate to write a new one at the same time as the opening of the new sanctuary in 1977.

The co-authors are grateful to the friends who have lent literature and photographs and who have opened up their memory banks to tell of the days that used to be.

All the available records have been carefully researched, but we have had to be selective with the material. It is our prayer that an appreciation of the life of this Baptist community in the past will serve to strengthen and inspire those who come after. So shall ‘one generation praise Thy name to another.’